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Perl module: Lingua::LanguageGuesser demo page

     You can guess text what language is by input URL of Web pages or text. This Web aplication is based on perl module Lingua::LanguageGuesser.


  1. Input URL of Web page written in HTML from which you want to guess text. Or input, probably copy and paste document. Or select your local PC file (text file or HTML only).
  2. Click the "start" button.
  3. Wait a while, then the guessed and sorted languages are displayed.
Input URL

Input (or copy and paste) document

Select local file(text file or HTML only)



Documentation of Perl module”Lingua::LanguageGuesser"
Instration of Perl module”Lingua::LanguageGuesser"
Perl module”Lingua::LanguageGuesser" sample scripts